Ok I am new to programming and am having an issue:
I was sent a dll file to create an interface. This dll is able to read from text files. I have some methods that are able to read the data from each file.
I know how to get each piece of data from the methods. That would be fine and dandy if I was only pulling in one file. The problem is that there are multiple files I need to pull data from.
Below I am able to pull data from the files, but where would i put this data while another file is being loaded and read. I need to have a place to put the data so that it can be stored and viewed on a form.
I am sorry and am very new to this any help would be appreciated.
OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
ofd.Multiselect = true;
if (ofd.ShowDialog() == true)
var files = ofd.FileNames;// stores names of multiple files selected
autdl = new AUTDataList();//instantiates class
autdl.readHowlandMeasDataFiles(files);//reads multiple files and stores them
int num = autdl.NoAUTDataSets;//gives the number of files
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)//increments and counter is the index for {
var sf = autdl.getAUTData(i);//this method getAUTData(i)
var deltaTheta = sf.A1Inc; //sf allows me to to get data
var deltaPhi = sf.A2Inc;
var thetaStart = sf.A1Start;
var thetaStop = sf.A1Stop;
var phiStart = sf.A2Start;
var phiStop = sf.A2Stop;
var thetaPos = sf.Axis1_Lin;
var phiPos = sf.Axis2_Lin;
I feel that you are working on lot of files by sequentially opening them,
processing some data from it... resulting in some new Data
and your problem is to hold onto this data generated/computed
If this is right then this is the textbook example of DataStructures. They are the thing you use to manage your data. anyways, without going into philosphy I would suggest you to:
1. Create Classes/Objects that can hold this On the Fly data
2.使用隔离存储 以保存它
2. Use Isolate Storage to hold it
3. Use In Memory Files/Memory Streams