SET @x := 0;
`o`.`v_phase_a` ,
`o`.`v_phase_b` ,
`o`.`v_phase_c` ,
(@x := @x+1) AS x
FROM `operational_parameters` AS o
WHERE `o`.`timestamp` >= '2014-01-21 05:00:00'
AND `o`.`timestamp` <= '2014-02-04 04:59:30'
ORDER BY `o`.`timestamp`
) t
WHERE x MOD 336 = 0;
The rationale for the type of result set is a long story and rooted in my client's business requirements. It's supposed to represent a uniform sampling of data stored as rows inserted 30 seconds apart over a given time span, in this case 2 weeks... this particular statement returns exactly 120 rows of data, which are then packaged by PHP and sent to the UI to be charted with the jqplot plug-in...
Everything else works excellently well, except that within PHP I'm unable to execute multiple SQL statements, a process which I believe would be required to SET my user variable @x, for use in the subsequent SELECT statement. Again, this SQL runs just fine when queried against my database using phpMyAdmin...
I do realize that generally speaking, within PHP, one cannot execute multiple SQL statements in a single query...
Is it possible, however, to create a SINGLE SQL statement - as a string - that will fetch the same result set as that returned by MySQL using the phpMyAdmin tool and the SQL I've listed above? A single statement that I can pass to my newly created PDO inside my PHP and get the right number of rows?
(Seems like PDOs are supposed to be able to handle such a scenario, at least that's what I've gleaned from my study of this board...)
I'm sort of new to PHP/MySQL, so I'm ready to learn. Teach on!
You can move the initialization into a subquery:
FROM (SELECT o.timestamp , o.v_phase_a , o.v_phase_b , o.v_phase_c , (@x := @x+1) AS x
FROM operational_parameters AS o cross join
(select @x := 0) const
WHERE o.timestamp >= '2014-01-21 05:00:00' AND o.timestamp <= '2014-02-04 04:59:30'
ORDER BY o.timestamp
) t
WHERE x MOD 336 = 0;