I'm very new to learning Node and Express, and I'm still trying to wrap my head around the code flow with express. Suppose we have code that looks like this in a session.js:
app.post('/session', notLoggedIn, function(req, res) {
username: req.body.username,
password: req.body.password
}, function (err, user) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
if (user) {
req.session.user = user;
} else {
Assuming the User is a required mongo schema. What I find strange is the session.user assignment:
req.session.user = user;
由于req变量在重定向后将超出范围,但是显然我们这样做是为了保留用户数据,因此我需要弄清楚以下哪种情况描述了正在发生的情况. (A)被分配给req参数的参数(在调用回调时)存储在/仍在堆栈中的某个位置,(B)会话被存储/在堆栈中,并在分配给新的req对象之前被分配传递给回调函数,或(C)与B相同,但在用户字段上(似乎不太可能,可能是我做的).
Since the req variable will be out of scope after the redirect, but we're obviously doing this to persist the user data, I'm left with figuring out which of the following scenarios describe what is happening. Either (A) the argument that's being assigned to the req parameter (when the callback is called) is stored/somewhere still on the stack, (B) the session is stored/on the stack and being assigned to a new req object before it's passed in to the callback, or (C) the same as B, but on the user field (seems unlikely and maybe contrived on my part).
There's an overall session data structure that stores all session info (like a global, but it could also be in a database - just something that is persistent at least across connections). Each client's session data uses one unique key to index into the session store to get the session data for that client.
Part of establishing a session for a given browser client is creating a unique client key (which will usually be stored in a cookie) that becomes the index into the global session object.
On an incoming http request, Express middleware that supports the session checks a particular client cookie and if that particular cookie is found on the http request and is found in the global session object/database, then it adds that session's stored info to the request object for the http request handler to later use.
So, here's a typical sequence:
- 传入的HTTP请求.
- 中间件检查会话cookie.
- 如果会话cookie不存在,则创建一个,然后在该过程中创建一个唯一的ID,以标识此http客户端.
- 在持久会话存储中,为此新客户端初始化会话.
- 如果存在会话cookie,则在会话存储中查找该客户端的会话数据,并将该数据添加到请求对象中.
- 会话中间件处理结束
- 此HTTP请求的Express处理之后,将到达匹配的请求处理程序.来自会话存储的该特定http客户端的会话数据已经附加到请求对象,并且可供请求处理程序使用.
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