


I would like preserve instance of controller without reloading. I set reloadOnSearch to false and I manage route change in my controller. Here is the code.

这是我的链接<a href="products/page/2">next</a>的示例.我已经定义了以下模块.

This is example of my link <a href="products/page/2">next</a>. I have defined following module.

angular.module('app.products', ['ngRoute', 'ngResource'])
.config(['$routeProvider', function ($routeProvider) {
            .when('/:section/:view/:number', {
                templateUrl: 'tpl/table.html',
                controller: 'ProductsCtrl',
                controllerAs: 'productsCtrl',
                reloadOnSearch: false
.controller('ProductsCtrl', ['$scope', '$routeParams', '$location', ProductsCtrl]);


function ProductsCtrl($scope, $routeParams, $location) {

    $scope.$on('$routeUpdate', function () {



But the controller doesn't respond on changed route and text is not written to console output.



In the angular jargon, "search" refers only to the query string parameters part of the URL. For instance: ?key=value&page=42


And the "path" refers to the URL without that query string. Here /products/page/2 is a path.

设置reloadOnSearch: false时,您在告诉查询字符串参数更改时,告诉angular不要重新加载视图和关联的控制器.

When setting reloadOnSearch: false you're telling angular not to reload the view and the associated controller when only the query string parameters changes.

  • 因此,如果路径更改(例如,您从/products/page/2导航到/products/page/3),则视图仍将被重新加载.没有$routeUpdate将被解雇,因为这是没有必要的.再次调用控制器初始化函数时,将从$routeParams获取新参数.
  • 但是,如果路径没有改变,但是只有查询字符串参数会改变.例如,当您从/products?page=2导航到/products?page=3时.这样一来,视图将不会重新加载,并且会广播$routeUpdate.
  • So if the path changes, for instance you navigate from /products/page/2 to /products/page/3, then the view will still be reloaded. No $routeUpdate will be fired because there is no need for that. You'll get the new parameters from $routeParams when your controller initialization function is called again.
  • However if the path doesn't change, but only the query string parameters do change. For instance when you navigate from /products?page=2 to /products?page=3. Then the view will not be reloaded and a $routeUpdate will be broadcast.


So the solution here would be to define page as a query string parameter instead of a path parameter:

angular.module('app.products', ['ngRoute', 'ngResource'])
.config(['$routeProvider', function ($routeProvider) {
            .when('/:section', {
                templateUrl: 'tpl/table.html',
                controller: 'ProductsCtrl',
                controllerAs: 'productsCtrl',
                reloadOnSearch: false
.controller('ProductsCtrl', ['$scope', '$routeParams', '$location', ProductsCtrl]);


function ProductsCtrl($scope, $routeParams, $location) {
    $scope.setupView = function setupView(section, page) {
        // Setup you view here
        // ...

    $scope.$on('$routeUpdate', function () {
        // This is called when only the query parameters change. E.g.: ?page=2
        $scope.setupView($routeParams.section, $routeParams.page)

    // This one is called when the the path changes and the view is reloaded.
    $scope.setupView($routeParams.section, $routeParams.page)


08-24 19:21