

我有一个表 main_cohort ,该表有两个不同的列,其中包含3位和5位数字的邮政编码(例如100或10017), zip_value3 zip_value5 ,我想将其与另一个具有相同列的表 zip_codes 以及具有文本字符串的附加列 city_name 联接起来每个邮递区号所对应的城市的位置.

I have one table main_cohort that has two different columns which contain zip codes in 3 digit and 5 digit numeric form (e.g. 100 or 10017), zip_value3 and zip_value5, and I want to join it with another table zip_codes that has these same columns as well as an additional column, city_name, that has the text string of the city associated with each zip.

我想用第二个表上的城市名称替换第一个表上的数字值.因此,举例来说,如果我在"main_cohort"中有一个"zip_value3"为100的customer_id,我想用 zip_code 表,该表将是纽约.

I want to replace the numeric values on the first table with the names of the cities on the second table. So for instance, if I have a customer_id in 'main_cohort' that has a 'zip_value3' of 100, I want to replace that in my output with the value from the city_name from the zip_code table, which would be New York.



I am guessing that you want one city, first checking the 5-digit zip code and then the 3-digit one:

select mc.*, coalesce(zc5.city_name, zc3.city_name) as city_name
from main_cohort mc left join
     zip_code zc5
     on mc.zip_value5 = zc5.zip_code left join
     zip_code zc3
     on mc.zip_value3 = zc3.zip_code


08-23 01:45