当您通过/ReportServer/访问报告时,我想为所有 SSRS 默认错误页面(下图)重新命名(并发送错误电子邮件).我已经在处理 ASP OnError 事件,并且一些默认的 SSRS 错误似乎捕获了它们自己的异常,然后呈现此页面在 OnError 事件被触发之前取消所有响应.
I'd like to re-brand (and send error emails) for all of the SSRS default error pages (picture below) when you access reports via /ReportServer/. I'm already handling the ASP OnError event and some of the default SSRS errors appear to catch their own exceptions and then render this page cancel the response all before the OnError event is ever fired.
知道如何获得 SSRS 的句柄以标记所有错误页面吗?
Any idea on how I can get a handle into SSRS to brand all error pages?
不幸的是,在使用 SSRS 的视觉方面时您不能这样做.如果您直接通过 SOAP 和网络服务使用报告,则可以.
Unfortunately, you can't when using the visual aspects of SSRS. You can if you consume the reports directly via SOAP and the web service.
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