每当我使用浏览器的后退按钮时,我总会收到错误: ERR_CACHE_MISS ,我需要刷新页面然后确认我真的想重新提交数据。
header('Cache-Control:no cache'); //没有缓存
session_cache_limiter('private_no_expire'); //作品
// session_cache_limiter('public'); //作品也是
So here is the deal,I am using HTML forms to transfer variables from page to page and PHP script to create pages based on values submitted.In general it looks like this: from the catalog of items you select what you want and the next page shows details for this specific item. Everything works perfect, except one thing:
Whenever I use browser's back button, I always get the error: ERR_CACHE_MISS and I need to refresh page and then confirm that I really want to resubmit data.
Is there any way to fix this, so my customers would be able just to use back button as they supposed to.
Here is the full text that browser provides me:
When you post forms with php, or any other data, you may come back to the page and find a message in the browser like "Document Expired" or "Confirm Form Resubmission With Chrome". These messages are a safety precaution the browser uses with sensitive data such as post variables. The browser will not automatically give you the fresh page again. You must reload the page by clicking try again or with a page refresh. Then, it operates as you would expect it to.
However, the php coder can work around the annoying message from the browser by adding a little code into the script. The example shows a couple of lines of code that can be added above session_start() in order to be able to go back and forth to the page when you post without any hangups.The 'private_no_expire' mode means that the client will not receive the expired header in the first place.
header('Cache-Control: no cache'); //no cache
session_cache_limiter('private_no_expire'); // works
//session_cache_limiter('public'); // works too