




  function myFunction(){var image = document.getElementById('test'); image.style.WebkitTransform =('scale(2,2)'); image.classList.remove('bounce'); image.offsetWidth = image.offsetWidth; image.classList.add(’bounce’); }  
  div#test {position:relative;显示:块;宽度:50像素;高度:50px;背景颜色:蓝色;边距:50px自动;过渡时间:1s; } .bounce {动画:反弹450毫秒;动画定时功能:线性; } @关键帧反弹{25%{transform:scale(1.15);} 50%{transform:scale(0.9);} 75%{transform:scale(1.1);} 100%{transform:scale(1.0);}}  
 < div id ='test'> < / div> < button class ='butt'onclick ='myFunction()'> FIRST< / button>  





  btn.onclick = e => {//为了有两个方向,我们需要在这里稍加冗长... const test = document.querySelector(’。test’); const classList = test.classList; const state = classList.contains(放大); //首先删除以前的classList.remove('zoomed-'+(状态?‘in’:’out’)); //强制回流test.offsetWidth; //设置一个新的classList.add('zoomed-'+(state?'out':'in'));};  
  div.test {位置:相对;显示:inline-block; margin:50px 50px;} div.test div {width:100%;高度:100%;转换:transform 1s;} div.test.zoomed-in .scaler {transform:scale(2);} div.test.zoomed-in .bouncer,div.test.zoomed-out .bouncer {动画:bounce .25s 1s ; / *过渡的持续时间延迟* /} div.test .inner {background-color:blue;宽度:50像素;高度:50像素;} @关键帧跳动{0%{变换:scale(1.15); } 33%{transform:scale(0.9); } 66%{transform:scale(1.1); } 100%{transform:scale(1.0); }}  
 < div class = test> < div class = scaler> < div class = bouncer> < div class = inner>< / div> < / div> < / div>< / div>< button id = btn>切换缩放< / button>  

What is the best way to have an object scale and then perform a bounce animation at that scale factor before going back to the original scale factor. I realize I could do something like scaling it to 2.2, then 1.8, then 2.0, but I'm looking for a way where you just have to perform the bounce animation on the scale factor because my scale factor will change.

Here is my example. Basically I want to combine the two to work like I said but as you can see the bounce animation performs based off the image size prior to scaling.

I need all sides of the image to bounce equally, like the example.

function myFunction() {
            var image = document.getElementById('test');
            image.style.WebkitTransform = ('scale(2,2)');
            image.offsetWidth = image.offsetWidth;
            image.classList.add('bounce') ;
div#test  {
        display: block;
        width: 50px;
        height: 50px;
        background-color: blue;
        margin: 50px auto;
        transition-duration: 1s;


    .bounce {
        animation: bounce 450ms;
        animation-timing-function: linear;

@keyframes bounce{
  25%{transform: scale(1.15);}
  50%{transform: scale(0.9);}
  75%{transform: scale(1.1);}
  100%{transform: scale(1.0);}
<div id='test'> </div>

<button class = 'butt' onclick = 'myFunction()'>FIRST</button>


Dispatch each transform on a different wrapping element.
This way you can achieve several level of transforms, all relative to their parent wrapper.

Then you just need to set your animation to fire after a delay equal to the transition's duration:

btn.onclick = e => {
  // in order to have two directions, we need to be a bit verbose in here...
  const test = document.querySelector('.test');
  const classList = test.classList;
  const state = classList.contains('zoomed-in');
  // first remove previous
  classList.remove('zoomed-' + (state ? 'in' : 'out'));
  // force reflow
  // set new one
  classList.add('zoomed-' + (state ? 'out' : 'in'));
div.test {
  position: relative;
  display: inline-block;
  margin: 50px 50px;
div.test div{
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  transition: transform 1s;
div.test.zoomed-in .scaler {
  transform: scale(2);
div.test.zoomed-in .bouncer,
div.test.zoomed-out .bouncer {
  animation: bounce .25s 1s;/* transition's duration delay */

div.test .inner {
  background-color: blue;
  width: 50px;
  height: 50px;

@keyframes bounce {
  0% {
    transform: scale(1.15);
  33% {
    transform: scale(0.9);
  66% {
    transform: scale(1.1);
  100% {
    transform: scale(1.0);
<div class="test">
  <div class="scaler">
    <div class="bouncer">
      <div class="inner"></div>

<button id="btn">toggle zoom</button>


08-20 16:38