本文介绍了在 Java 中初始化 ArrayList 字段的最佳实践的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在 Java 中初始化 ArrayList 字段的最佳实践是什么(以避免测试空值)?

What's the best practice for initializing an ArrayList field in Java (to avoid testing null value) ?


private List<String> myList = new ArrayList<String>();

或者在 getter 中,像这样:

Or in the getter, like this :

public List<String> getMyList() {
    if(myList == null) {
        myList = new ArrayList<String>();
    return myList;


public Test(){
    myList = new ArrayList<String>();


Maybe it's the same, but I am curious to know.



The first option allows you to do a

private final List<String> myList = new ArrayList<>();


Thus preventing you from accidentally creating a completely new list later on; thus helping with (many, not all) multi-threading issues. In addition to that, now the compiler can help you to make sure that your field is initialized exactly once.


Beyond that, the second option can be seen as "lazy initialization". And in that sense: it can be seen as "optimization choice"! And from there: many people advocate on avoiding premature optimization!

您知道,当您不能依赖已创建的列表时,这会导致很多麻烦.因此,即使从这个角度出发,您也有另一个理由选择选项 1!

You know, when you can't rely on the list being already created that can cause a lot of trouble. So even when coming from that perspective, you have another argument to prefer option 1!

编辑,关于编译器选项:从语义上看,选项 1 和选项 3(或多或少)相等" [提示:如果您发现选择选项 1 或选项 3 对您的代码产生影响 ... 这将是一个很好的迹象,表明您在代码中做了一些非常错误的事情).

Edit, regarding the compiler option: from a semantics point there option 1 and 3 are (more or less) "equal" [hint: if you find that it makes a difference in your code if you choose option1 or option3 ... that would be a good indication that your are doing something terribly wrong in your code).

尽管如此,有一件事可以有所作为 - 如果您有一个依赖注入"构造函数,例如:

Nonetheless, the one thing that can make a difference - if you have a "dependency injection" constructor, like:

public YourClass() { this(new ArrayList<String>); }
YourClass(List<String> incomingList) { myList = incomingList; }


This solution makes sense for those kinds of objects that you need to "control"; in the sense of: you require to pass mocks to your class to enable unit testing.


  • 如果可能,首选选项 1:使用 final
  • 如果需要依赖注入,请使用 option3
  • 避免选择 2,除非你有充分的理由去做

这篇关于在 Java 中初始化 ArrayList 字段的最佳实践的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 15:29