我在尝试,直到用户输入的字符写入来自用户所总结整数MIPS code*。
I'm trying to write the MIPS code of summing integers taken from user until user enters the character " * ".
输出会喜欢1 4 3 *总计:8
Output will like "1 4 3 * Total: 8"
I wrote the code termination loop condition when user enters " -1 " instead of " * ". I tried writing '*' syntax instead of -1 but it doesn't give the sum. How can i exit from the loop when user enters " * " character? This was my first question and here is my working code for " -1 ".
# $s0=Sum, $s1=Checkvalue
.data # Data memory area
prompt: .asciiz "Total: "
.text # Code area
move $s0, $zero # Sum is made "0"
li $s1, -1 # Checkvalue is made "-1"
loop: bne $s0, $s0, exit # Infinite loop is described
li $v0, 5 # Read integer into $v0
syscall # Make the syscall read_int
move $t0, $v0 # Move the integer read into $t0
beq $t0, $s1, exit # If the read value is equal "-1", exit
add $s0, $t0, $s0 # Add the read integer to sum
j loop # Return loop
li $v0, 4 # Syscall to print string
la $a0, prompt
move $a0, $s0 # Syscall to print string
li $v0, 1
li $v0, 10 # Syscall to exit
# Reference: www.es.ele.tue.nl/~heco/courses/ProcDesign/SPIM.ppt
My second question is that I used "syscall", is my usage suitable for stdin and stdout, system functions?
您正在阅读像 1
整数,并且很明显 *
You are reading integers like -1
, and it's clear *
is not an integer. To exit the loop, you will have to figure out how to read characters and integers. If your numbers are only one digit long, you can read all input as characters and convert to integers as necessary. Otherwise, you will have to read in strings and convert to integers.
As for your second question, you are correct in using syscall for standard input and output system functions.