

为什么这个matplotlib代码给我一个怪异的异常?我要去两排地块.顶行应该显示 true 与 pred,底行应该显示百分比错误.

Why is this matplotlib code giving me a weird exception? I'm going for two rows of plots. The top row is supposed to show true vs. pred and the bottom row is supposed to show percent error.

yy = func(*X)

fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, len(X))
for ax,_x in zip(axes,X):
    ax.plot(_x, y, 'b.')
    ax.plot(_x, yy, 'r.')

fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, len(X))
for ax,_x in zip(axes,X):
    ax.plot(_x, yy/y-1, 'r.')



   File "pysr.py", line 235, in main
     ax.plot(_x, yy/y-1, 'r.')
AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'plot'


如果 len(X) 是 >1,axes 将是 的二维数组AxesSubplot 实例.因此,当您遍历 axes 时,您实际上会沿着 axes 数组的一个维度得到一个切片.

If len(X) is >1, axes will be a 2D array of AxesSubplot instances. So when you loop over axes, you actually get a slice along one dimension of the axes array.

要解决此问题,您可以使用 axes.flat :

To overcome this, you could use axes.flat:

for ax,_x in zip(axes.flat,X):

此外,如果您尝试将所有这些绘制在一个图形上,则无需调用 plt.subplots 两次,因为这样会创建两个图形.

Also if you are trying to plot all these on one figure, you don't need to call plt.subplots twice, as that will create two figures.

像这样索引 axes 数组可能更容易:

It may be easier to index the axes array like this:

yy = func(*X)

fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, len(X))

for i,_x in enumerate(X):
    axes[0, i].plot(_x, y, 'b.')
    axes[0, i].plot(_x, yy, 'r.')

    axes[1, i].plot(_x, yy/y-1, 'r.')



08-20 09:00