

我正在使用Python 2.7和Jenkins.

I am using Python 2.7 and Jenkins.


I am writing some code in Python that will perform a checkin and wait/poll for Jenkins job to be complete. I would like some thoughts on around how I achieve it.

  1. 在Perforce->中创建签入的Python函数,因为P4具有CLI,可以轻松完成
  2. 检测何时触发构建的Python代码->我有变更列表和作业编号.如何轮询Jenkins API的构建日志,以检查其是否具有适当的变更列表?此步骤的输出是正在执行作业的构建URL
  3. 我如何等待Jenkins工作完成?

我可以使用Jenkins Rest API或Python Jenkins模块中的代码段吗?

Can I use snippets from the Jenkins Rest API or from Python Jenkins module?



You can query the last build timestamp to determine if the build finished. Compare it to what it was just before you triggered the build, and see when it changes. To get the timestamp, add /lastBuild/buildTimestamp to your job URL

事实上,在您的Jenkins中,将/lastBuild/api/添加到任何Job中,您将看到很多API信息.它甚至具有Python API,但我对此并不熟悉,因此无法进一步帮助您

As a matter of fact, in your Jenkins, add /lastBuild/api/ to any Job, and you will see a lot of API information. It even has Python API, but I not familiar with that so can't help you further


However, if you were using XML, you can add lastBuild/api/xml?depth=0 and inside the XML, you can see the <changeSet> object with list of revisions/commit messages that triggered the build


08-20 06:32