I am using timer.performWithDelay
to time how long it takes a player to complete a level. I want it to measure down to the 100th of a second (because the game is multiplayer, and I don't want there to be too many ties).
local totaltime = 0
local function counter()
totaltime = totaltime + 0.01
timer1 = timer.performWithDelay( 10, counter, 0)
It results in each "second" lasting about 4 seconds. Is this just not practical or is there a flaw somewhere?
When timer.preformWithDelay
is given a time delay smaller then the time between your frames the timer will wait until the next frame is entered to call the function.
这意味着,如果您以30或60 fps的速度运行游戏,则帧毫秒"约为16或33ms.因此,您可以设置的最小延迟是帧之间的延迟.
That means if you have a game running at 30 or 60 fps, you would have a 'frame ms' of about 16 or 33ms. So the minimum delay you can put is the delay between your frames.
In your case you want to set your timer every 1/100th of a second, or with 10ms. This means, since your frame is most likely 16ms (60fps), that every logged 10ms you are actually waiting an addional 6ms.
现在,如果您以100 FPS的速度运行并达到10毫秒,则可以解决此问题,但这是不推荐的.
Now you could solve this if you ran with 100 FPS and thus achieved said 10 ms, but this is NOT recommendable.
AlanPlantPot为 coronaLabs :
AlanPlantPot provided the answer for following solution on coronaLabs:
local prevFrameTime, currentFrameTime --both nil
local deltaFrameTime = 0
local totalTime = 0
local txt_counter = display.newText( totalTime, 0, 0, native.systemFont, 50 )
txt_counter.x = 150
txt_counter.y = 288
txt_counter:setTextColor( 255, 255, 255 )
group:insert( txt_counter )
local function enterFrame(e)
local currentFrameTime = system.getTimer()
--if this is still nil, then it is the first frame
--so no need to perform calculation
if prevFrameTime then
--calculate how many milliseconds since last frame
deltaFrameTime = currentFrameTime - prevFrameTime
prevFrameTime = currentFrameTime
--this is the total time in milliseconds
totalTime = totalTime + deltaFrameTime
--multiply by 0.001 to get time in seconds
txt_counter.text = totalTime * 0.001