嘿大家,使用我的第一个Windows 8.1 Embedded映像。 我的参考映像为Citrix Receiver安装/启用了.net 3.5和4.5。 我正在通过SCCM构建我的图像并在任务序列结束时启用写过滤器。
Hey everyone, working with my first Windows 8.1 Embedded image. my reference image has .net 3.5 and 4.5 installed/enabled for Citrix Receiver. I am building my image via SCCM and enabling write filters at the end of the Task Sequence.
首次启动,覆盖(512MB)填充,系统无响应。 我怀疑这是因为.NET运行时优化器在首次启动时运行,导致大量写入更改被重定向到覆盖。 如果我禁用写入过滤器
One first boot, the overlay (512MB) fills and the system becomes unresponsive. I suspect this is due to the .NET runtime Optimizer running on first boot making lots of write changes that get redirected to the overlay. If I disable the write-filters and let the optimizer complete, the overlay doesn't seem to fill up anymore.
是否有人遇到此问题或有任何建议,除了在构建之后禁用写入过滤器并等待启用它们? 构建的手动工作并不好玩。 ;; - )
Has anyone ran into this issue or have any suggestion other than leaving the write filters disabled after build and waiting to enable them? Manual work for a build is no fun. ;-)
ngen.exe executeQueuedItems 1
ngen.exe executeQueuedItems 1
我设置了这个在OS安装期间的Pass 7 sync命令中。
I set this up in a Pass 7 sync command during OS install.