我正在使用 dc.js
I'm using dc.js
to create charts and data table.
I wanted to add some pagination styles and search option in the table.
jQuery 数据表脚本:
$(document).ready(function() {
问题是 - 我得到了所有的 jquery 数据表选项,如搜索框、条目数.但它们都不起作用.
problem is - i get all the jquery data table options displayed like search box, number of entries. But none of them work.
Found this post. But nothing useful.
为此我喜欢使用 DynaTable - http://www.dynatable.com/
I like to use DynaTable for this - http://www.dynatable.com/
1) 定义您的表格 html:
1) Define your table html:
<table id="dc-data-table">
<th data-dynatable-column="client_name">Client</th>
<th data-dynatable-column="project_name">Project</th>
2) 使用您的首选选项和交叉过滤器维度挂钩:
2) Hook in dynatable with your preferred options and the crossfilter dimension:
var dynatable = $('#dc-data-table').dynatable({
features: {
pushState: false
dataset: {
records: tableDimension.top(Infinity),
perPageDefault: 50,
perPageOptions: [50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000 ,10000]
3) 编写一个刷新表的方法 - dc.events 有助于限制在画笔更改时调用的次数:
3) Write a method to refresh the table - dc.events helps to limit the number of times this is called on brush changes:
function RefreshTable() {
dc.events.trigger(function () {
dynatable.settings.dataset.originalRecords = tableDimension.top(Infinity);
4) 将此方法挂钩到每个图表过滤器事件中:
4) hook this method into each charts filter event:
for (var i = 0; i < dc.chartRegistry.list().length; i++) {
var chartI = dc.chartRegistry.list()[i];
chartI.on("filtered", RefreshTable);
5) 调用 Refresh table 一次以显示当前数据:
5) Call Refresh table once to display the current data:
6) 渲染 DC 图表:
6) Render the DC charts:
这是一个 jsfiddle:http://jsfiddle.net/djmartin_umich/5jweT/2/
Here is a jsfiddle for this: http://jsfiddle.net/djmartin_umich/5jweT/2/
Note that in this fiddle I used the group rather than the dimension to feed the dynatable data.
这篇关于dc.js - 使用 jquery 数据表插件的数据表的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!