

我正在开发一个React + Redux应用程序,该应用程序必须将商店中的某些值保存到 localStorage .我有一些实用程序功能,可以将值安全地存储到 localStorage .我有一个动作(重击)和减速器.

I'm working on a React+Redux app that must save certain values from the store to localStorage. I have some utility function, that securely store values to localStorage. I have an action (thunk) and reducer.

const wallet = (state = getFromLocalStorage('wallet'), action) => {
  switch(action.type) {
    case 'SET_WALLET':
      setToLocalStorage('wallet', action.payload); // <--- **SIDE EFFECT?**
      retrun action.payload;
      return state;

减速器必须是纯函数. getToLocalStorage 函数调用是否破坏了reducer的纯度?如果是这样,在哪里可以调用此函数?

Reducers must be pure functions. Does the getToLocalStorage function call break the purity of the reducer? And if so, where is the proper place to call this function?



As the other comment stated: yes, it's definitely a side effect. Now, it's probably not going to break anything in this case, but a reducer isn't the right place for that.


A better solution would be to either do this in a store subscription callback or a middleware. Or, even better, use one of the many store persistence libraries already available. Doing so in a thunk would also be an acceptable option, especially if you just want to persist a small amount of data rather than the entire store state.


08-11 07:37