How can I see the configuration of a resource in a resource group? I've provisioned a database through the portal and I'd like to see what that configuration is in the template language.
您可以使用Azure的资源管理器REST API列出您的资源组的模板部署。对API的参考是。
You can use the Azure Resource Manager REST API to list the template deployments for your resource group. A reference to the API is here.
近响应的顶部是一个 templateLink ,您可以按照得到部署模板。例如,这是我找回我的部署中,我使用Azure的门户的 Web应用程序+ SQL数据库的配置,以创建新的Web应用程序之一。
Near the top of the response is a templateLink that you can follow to get the deployment template. For example, this is what I get back for one of my deployments where I used the Web App + SQL Database configuration from the Azure Portal to create a new web app.