本文介绍了如何阅读最后" N"日志文件的行的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


需要code片断这将读出日志文件的最后一个n行。我想出了从net.I以下code我还挺新的C锋利。由于日志文件可能是蛮大的,我想避免的读取整个file.Can有人提出任何性能增强开销。 我真的不想要阅读的每个字符并改变位置。

            变种数= 0;
            而(计数< = tailCount)
                如果(reader.BaseStream.Position< = 0)中断;
                INT C = reader.Read();
                如果(reader.BaseStream.Position< = 0)中断;
                如果(C =='\ N')

            VAR海峡= reader.ReadToEnd();




  ///<总结>返回文本阅读器的结束和LT; /总结>
///< PARAM NAME =读者>读者从阅读< /参数>
///< PARAM NAME =lineCount>行返回的数量和LT; /参数>
///<返回>在最后lneCount线从阅读器< /回报>
公共静态字符串[]尾(这TextReader的读者,INT lineCount){
    的for(int i = 0; I< lineCount;我++){
        行= reader.ReadLine();
        如果(线== NULL)返回buffer.ToArray();

    INT lastLine所= lineCount  -  1; //从缓冲器中读取的最后一行的索引。一切>该指数早于一切都被读取< =这个东印度

    而(空!=(行= reader.ReadLine())){
        如果(lastLine所== lineCount)lastLine所= 0;
        缓冲区[lastLine所] =行;

    如果(lastLine所== lineCount  -  1)返回buffer.ToArray();
    VAR retVal的=新的字符串[lineCount]
    buffer.CopyTo(lastLine所+ 1,retVal的,0,lineCount  -  lastLine所 -  1);
    buffer.CopyTo(0,retVal的,lineCount  -  lastLine所 -  1,lastLine所+ 1);

need a snippet of code which would read out last "n lines" of a log file. I came up with the following code from the net.I am kinda new to C sharp. Since the log file might bequite large, I want to avoid overhead of reading the entire file.Can someone suggest any performance enhancement. I do not really want to read each character and change position.

   var reader = new StreamReader(filePath, Encoding.ASCII);
            reader.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);
            var count = 0;
            while (count <= tailCount)
                if (reader.BaseStream.Position <= 0) break;
                int c = reader.Read();
                if (reader.BaseStream.Position <= 0) break;
                if (c == '\n')

            var str = reader.ReadToEnd();

Your code will perform very poorly, since you aren't allowing any caching to happen.
In addition, it will not work at all for Unicode.

I wrote the following implementation:

///<summary>Returns the end of a text reader.</summary>
///<param name="reader">The reader to read from.</param>
///<param name="lineCount">The number of lines to return.</param>
///<returns>The last lneCount lines from the reader.</returns>
public static string[] Tail(this TextReader reader, int lineCount) {
    var buffer = new List<string>(lineCount);
    string line;
    for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) {
        line = reader.ReadLine();
        if (line == null) return buffer.ToArray();

    int lastLine = lineCount - 1;           //The index of the last line read from the buffer.  Everything > this index was read earlier than everything <= this indes

    while (null != (line = reader.ReadLine())) {
        if (lastLine == lineCount) lastLine = 0;
        buffer[lastLine] = line;

    if (lastLine == lineCount - 1) return buffer.ToArray();
    var retVal = new string[lineCount];
    buffer.CopyTo(lastLine + 1, retVal, 0, lineCount - lastLine - 1);
    buffer.CopyTo(0, retVal, lineCount - lastLine - 1, lastLine + 1);
    return retVal;

这篇关于如何阅读最后&QUOT; N&QUOT;日志文件的行的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-04 13:06