

我正在研究一种将消息发布到 Azure 存储队列的方案.出于测试目的,我开发了一个控制台应用程序,我可以在其中获取消息,并且可以使用尝试计数来更新它,当逻辑完成后,我会删除消息.

I'm working out a scenario where a post a message to an Azure Storage Queue. For testing purposes I've developed a console app, where I get the message and I'm able to update it with a try count, and when the logic is done, I delete the message.

现在我正在尝试将我的代码移植到 Azure 函数.一件似乎非常不同的事情是,当调用 Azure 函数时,消息会从队列中删除.

Now I'm trying to port my code to an Azure Function. One thing that seems to be very different is, when the Azure Function is called, the message is deleted from the queue.


I find it hard to find any documentation on this specific subject and I feel I'm missing something with regard to the concept of combining these two.


  1. 我说得对吗,当您在新队列项上触发函数时,即使函数失败,该函数也会获取消息并将其从队列中删除?
  2. 如果 1 是正确的,如何确保消息被重试并发布到死队列以供以后处理?


运行时仅在您的函数成功处理队列消息时删除它(即没有发生错误).当消息出列并传递给您的函数时,它会在一段时间(10 分钟)内不可见.当你的函数运行时,这种不可见性会被保持.如果您的函数失败,则消息未删除 - 它以不可见状态保留在队列中.可见性超时后,消息将在队列中再次可见以进行重新处理.

The runtime only deletes the queue message when your Function successfully processes it (i.e. no error has occurred). When the message is dequeued and passed to your function, it becomes invisible for a period of time (10 minutes). While your function is running this invisibility is maintained. If your function fails, the message is not deleted - it remains in the queue in an invisible state. After the visibilty timeout expires, the message will become visible in the queue again for reprocessing.

有关核心 WebJobs SDK 队列处理工作原理的详细信息,请参阅 这里.在该页面上,请参阅解决您的问题的如何处理有害消息"部分.基本上,您将免费获得所有正确的行为 - 重试处理、有害消息处理等 :)

The details of how core WebJobs SDK queue processing works can be found here. On that page, see the section "How to handle poison messages" which addresses your question. Basically you'll get all the right behaviors for free - retry handling, poison message handling, etc. :)


08-04 06:06