我正在尝试自动检测断开的链接,我惊讶地看到HTTP 并不总是可靠的。例如网址: - 可以使用以下网址访问该网址GET方法但尝试使用HEAD方法联系URL最终会收到404错误(未找到)。
I'm trying to automate detection of broken links and I was startled to see that HTTP HEAD method is not always reliable. For example the URL: http://www.youtube.com/mit -- the URL is accessible with GET method but trying to contact the URL with HEAD method ends up with receiving 404 error (not found).
Note: The example can be easily checked online via: http://web-sniffer.net/(I'm not affiliated with the webpage in any way)
So how reliable is the HEAD method in the end?
As a reasonable solution I see just don't use HEAD and always use GET method always but it is wastes bandwidth.
需要按照中的说明进行操作;但是,它的实现总是受任何特定站点的开发人员的支配,并且不可能强制执行RFC兼容性。您可以相当确信任何网站都可能支持 HEAD
is required to work as described in the RFC; however, its implementation is always at the mercy of the developers of any specific site, and it is not possible to enforce RFC-compliance. You could be fairly confident that any site is likely to support HEAD
reasonably well, but as you have already discovered, there are no guarantees.
这篇关于HTTP HEAD方法的可靠性的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!