I want to draw a grid as shown in the image but I totally don't have any idea where to begin.
我应该使用 SVG 还是应该使用带有 HTML5 的 Canvas 以及如何在其上绘图?
Should I use SVG or should I use Canvas with HTML5 and how do I draw on it?
I want this grid to draw rectangle, circle or other diagrams on it and I will calculate the area of that diagram like area of a square.
SVG 可以很好地使用模式:
SVG can do this nicely using patterns:
<svg width="100%" height="100%" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<pattern id="smallGrid" width="8" height="8" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
<path d="M 8 0 L 0 0 0 8" fill="none" stroke="gray" stroke-width="0.5"/>
<pattern id="grid" width="80" height="80" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
<rect width="80" height="80" fill="url(#smallGrid)"/>
<path d="M 80 0 L 0 0 0 80" fill="none" stroke="gray" stroke-width="1"/>
<rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="url(#grid)" />
我将 width
和 height
设置为 100%
,因此您可以定义使用时的实际宽度和高度,无论是对于内联 SVG:
I set width
and height
to 100%
, so you can define the actual width and height on use, either for inline SVG:
<div style="width:400px;height:300px">
<svg width="100%" height="100%" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<pattern id="smallGrid" width="8" height="8" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
<path d="M 8 0 L 0 0 0 8" fill="none" stroke="gray" stroke-width="0.5"/>
<pattern id="grid" width="80" height="80" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
<rect width="80" height="80" fill="url(#smallGrid)"/>
<path d="M 80 0 L 0 0 0 80" fill="none" stroke="gray" stroke-width="1"/>
<rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="url(#grid)" />
或一个 <img>
<img src="https://svgshare.com/i/9Eo.svg" width="700" height="200"/>
<img src="https://svgshare.com/i/9Eo.svg" width="241" height="401"/>
请注意,对于这个特定的网格,如果您想要网格,您必须使用 nx 80 + 1
Note that for this particular grid you have to use widths and heights of the form n x 80 + 1
(with n
being any integer) if you want the grid to start and end with a thick stroke.
这篇关于如何使用 HTML5 和画布或 SVG 绘制网格的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!