

我想提出一个应用程序,它需要同时打开至少676文件最大为1400的文件。我将使用的StreamWriter 类,并使用的StreamReader 类读取数据写入这些文件。那么,有没有就没有,可以在下面的链接描述同时打开读或写在C#就像VC ++文件的最大限制。

I am making an app and it needs to open at least 676 files simultaneously to a maximum of 1400 files. I will be writing to these files using the StreamWriter Class and reading the data using StreamReader Class. So, is there a maximum limit on the no of files that can be opened simultaneously for reading or writing in C# just like VC++ as described in the following link.Is there a limit on number of open files in Windows.


由.NET打开的文件的上限由强加在Win32 API的CreateFile,这是16384的限制规定。

The upper limit on files opened by .NET is governed by the limit imposed on the Win32 API CreateFile, which is 16384.


08-03 21:14