I am new in learning powershell and hoping to further my experience in other programs eventually. Currently doing a course in It and in my powershell class lopps have become a bit of an enemy of mine. In one script that we have to make, we need to create a script that will add numbers inputted in an array after the click of a button, in this scenario that button with be '0'. I have attempted various scripts but keep getting errors any help would be much appreaciated and keep in mind that i am new so the simpler the response for now the best it will help me and if possible explain why my code is wrong
Do {
$input = Read-Host 'Enter variety of numbers and press 0 to add them together'
if ($input -eq '0') {
$sum = [int]$sum + ',' + [int]$sum
Write-Host 'Sum of numbers entered' $sum
while ($input -ne '0')
变量$ input是保留的powershell变量(在这里看看),您不应该在这种情况下使用它.
The variable $input is a reservd powershell variable (take a look here) and you should not use it in this context.
As in the comments mentiond I would also put an else in your loop and save the input to an array.
[System.Int32[]]$UserInputs = @() #INT Array
do {
[System.Int32]$UserInput = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter variety of numbers and press 0 to add them together'
if ($UserInput -eq 0)
Out-Host -InputObject ('Sum of numbers entered ' + ($UserInputs | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum) #Return the sum
$UserInputs += $UserInput #Add user input to array
while ($UserInput -ne 0)