


Consider a scenario.I'm performing API testing with validations on the payload fields of an object.


I prepare a prerequisite data in the database which is a valid DataClass Object for example.Post which I provide that object to an ArgumentsProvider to generate field by field invalid values by tweaking one field of the provided valid object.


Normally, for other tests which are not Parameterized, I can tear down the data created for the test in afterEachCallBack, however, in case of using ArgumentsProvider I can't tear it down before all tests for that particular test function finish, otherwise after the first test, if I tear the data down (remove from DB) then it's not available for next test.

在某些情况下,我尝试使用Function<DataClass, APIQuery> function,但这使我需要为从ArgumentsProvider

I have tried using Function<DataClass, APIQuery> function in some cases, but this leads me to create a valid data in DB for each iteration of test generated from ArgumentsProvider


Is it possible to identify, using TestWatcher, TestExecutionListener or Extensions or some other way, when the function which had dynamicallyGenerated functions has finished and moved to next function.This way, I can tear down the data after all Parameterized tests have finished.


您有一个选择,就是将参数化测试方法放入它自己的ˋ@ Nestedˋ内部类中,并使用实现ˋAfterAllCallbackˋ的扩展对其进行扩展.

One option you have is to put the parameterized test method into ist own ˋ@Nestedˋ inner class and extend it with an extension that implements ˋAfterAllCallbackˋ.


08-03 19:38