I researched the concept of a thread and saw that it is to have code run in two processes at the same time. Heres my code though
public class Connor extends Thread{
public void run() {
for(int i=0; i< 10; i ++){
System.out.println("Hello " + i);
public static void main(String[] args){
Connor runner1 = new Connor();
Connor runner2 = new Connor();
It seems like the two threads do start off at the same time(separate processes, as indicated by the two leading 0s) but one executes (1-9) and then the other executes (1-9). Arent they suppose to interweave as well (1,1,2,2,...) bc the threads both print to the console. I researched and saw that start is the right method to use as it tells the thread class to execute the run method in another thread? Can anyone explain why im getting this output?
Say you have ten errands you need to do and your sister has ten errands she needs to do, and you only have one car. Do you bring the car back after each errand and switch drivers? Of course not. That would be absurdly inefficient. Each thread basically just needs the output stream. So it would be absurd to interleave them tightly.