


I have a sequence of objects, that each have a sequence number that goes from 0 to ushort.MaxValue (0-65535). I have at max about 10 000 items in my sequence, so there should not be any duplicates, and the items are mostly sorted due to the way they are loaded. I only need to access the data sequentially, I don't need them in a list, if that can help. It is also something that is done quite frequently, so it cannot have a too high Big-O.


What is the best way to sort this list?


An example sequence could be (in this example, assume the sequence number is a single byte and wraps at 255):

240 241 242 243 244 250 251 245 246 248 247 249 252 253 0 1 2 254 255 3 4 5 6


The correct order would then be

240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


I have a few different approaches, including making a array of ushort.MaxValue size, and just incrementing the position, but that seems like a very inefficient way, and I have some problems when the data I receive have a jump in sequence. However, it's O(1) in performance..


Another approach is to order the items normally, then find the split (6-240), and move the first items to the end. But I'm not sure if that is a good idea.


My third idea is to loop the sequence, until I find a wrong sequence number, look ahead until I find the correct one, and move it to its correct position. However, this can potentially be quite slow if there is a wrong sequence number early on.



I realise this is an old question byte I also needed to do this and would have liked an answer so...

使用一个的SortedSet<的FileData> 与自定义比较;

Use a SortedSet<FileData> with a custom comparer;

其中,的FileData 包含您正在使用的文件的信息例如,

where FileData contains information about the files you are working withe.g.

struct FileData
    public ushort SequenceNumber;

internal class Sequencer : IComparer<FileData>
    public int Compare(FileData x, FileData y)
        ushort comparer = (ushort)(x.SequenceNumber - y.SequenceNumber);
        if (comparer == 0) return 0;
        if (comparer < ushort.MaxValue / 2) return 1;
        return -1;


当你读出来的​​的SortedSet 他们现在以正确的顺序

When you read them out of the SortedSet they are now in the correct order

请注意,的SortedSet 采用了红黑内部应该给你的性能和内存之间的一个很好的平衡

Note that the SortedSet uses a Red-Black Internally which should give you a nice balance between performance and memory

插入为O(log n)的

Insertion is O(log n)
Traversal is O(n)


07-30 00:06