


I'm trying to combine the follow annotations:

org.springframework.test.context.jdbc.Sql org.junit.之前


@Sql(scripts = "dml-parametro.sql")
public void testData(){
    Iterable<Parametro> parametros = parametroService.findAll();
    List<Parametro> parametrosList = Lists.newArrayList(parametros);

    Assert.assertThat(parametrosList.size(), Is.is(1));

public void beforeMethod() {
    JdbcTestUtils.deleteFromTables(jdbcTemplate, "PARAMETRO");


The code in the method @Before is running after then the script "dml-parametro.sql" in the @Sql annotation.



For solution this, I'm using @After in place than @Before, but I'd like to cdelete tables before the test execution, not after.


I wouldn't like to use @SqlConfig. I'm not using transacional scope on test level, so i need to clean my tables in every test method. If every test method need to clean tables, i would like to do this in @Before method. I wouldn't like to do this in every test method with @SqlConfig. I think the behavior of @Sql to be execute before than @Before is wrong.


默认情况下,通过@Sql执行的所有SQL脚本都将在 任何@Before方法之前执行.因此,您遇到的行为是正确的,但是您可以通过@Sql中的executionPhase属性更改执行阶段(请参见下面的示例).

By default, any SQL scripts executed via @Sql will be executed before any @Before methods. So the behavior you are experiencing is correct, but you can change the execution phase via the executionPhase attribute in @Sql (see example below).


If you want to execute multiple scripts, that is also possible via @Sql.


So if you have a clean-up script named clean-parametro.sql that deletes from the PARAMETRO table, you could annotate your test method like the following (instead of invoking JdbcTestUtils.deleteFromTables() in your @Before method).

@Sql({"dml-parametro.sql", "clean-parametro.sql"})
public void test() { /* ... */ }


Of course, if dml-parametro.sql inserts values into the PARAMETRO table, then it likely does not make sense to immediately delete those values in the clean-up script.


Please note that @Sql and @SqlConfig provide multiple levels of configuration for script execution.

例如,如果要在测试之前创建表并在测试之后进行清理,则可以在Java 8上执行以下操作:

For example, if you want to create tables before your test and clean up after your test, you could do something like this on Java 8:

@Sql(scripts = "clean-up.sql", executionPhase = AFTER_TEST_METHOD)
public void test() { /* ... */ }

或将@SqlGroup用作Java 6或Java 7上的容器:

Or use @SqlGroup as a container on Java 6 or Java 7:

    @Sql(scripts = "clean-up.sql", executionPhase = AFTER_TEST_METHOD)
public void test() { /* ... */ }


If your tests are @Transactional and you'd like to clean up committed database state, you can instruct Spring to execute your clean-up SQL script in a new transaction like this:

  scripts = "clean-up.sql",
  executionPhase = AFTER_TEST_METHOD,
  config = @SqlConfig(transactionMode = ISOLATED)
public void test() { /* ... */ }


I hope this clarifies things for you!


Sam (Spring TestContext Framework的作者)


  • AFTER_TEST_METHOD是从ExecutionPhase
  • 静态导入的
  • ISOLATED是从TransactionMode
  • 静态导入的
  • AFTER_TEST_METHOD is statically imported from ExecutionPhase
  • ISOLATED is statically imported from TransactionMode


07-29 20:41