我想在illustrator图形中使用eclipse中的某些图标(包,java项目等).为了获得最佳效果,我想将图标设置为矢量格式或至少是可编辑的格式.我可以从中获取任何信息吗?我找到了 org.eclipse.jdt.ui_3.5.2.r352_v20100106-0800.jar
I want to use some of the icons in eclipse (package, java project, etc.) in an illustrator graphic. To get best results, I'd like to have the icons in vector format or at least an editable format. Is there any source I can get them from? I found the jar org.eclipse.jdt.ui_3.5.2.r352_v20100106-0800.jar
, where all the icons are included, but unfortunately as gif files.Thank you!
Eclipse has a User Interface Guidelines wiki page, where it is described how to create your own icons. Also, it includes several templates of the common elements, which you can use for base of your own icons:
There is a chance that the icon you want is not available, but it is worth a try.