本文介绍了自定义javascript Ajax调用后刷新JSF组件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在jsf页面中有一个自定义javascript Ajax调用.我在过滤器中捕获并处理XMLHttpRequest的查询字符串.过滤器将记录添加到模型中的表.现在,我希望没有整个页面刷新的jsf页面在其中一个组件(Primefaces数据表)中反映更新的模型.

I have a custom javascript Ajax call in my jsf page. I capture and process the query string of the XMLHttpRequest in a filter. The filter adds a record to a table in the model.Now I want the jsf page, without full page refresh, to reflect the updated model in one of the components (a Primefaces data table).

我想我需要的是自定义xmlHttpResponse ...

I guess what I need is a custom xmlHttpResponse...

谁能告诉我该怎么做?我担心这可能很复杂,但是我别无选择,只能使用自定义的javascript ...

Can anyone tell me how to do this? I'm scared it might be complicated, but I have no choice but to use the custom javascript...


PrimeFaces 是为此目的而设计的.

The PrimeFaces <p:remoteCommand> is designed for this purpose.


Here's a basic kickoff example for your particular case:

    <p:remoteCommand name="updateTable" action="#{bean.updateTable}"
        process="@this" update="table" />
    <p:dataTable id="table">...</p:dataTable>

它将生成一个JS函数updateTable(),该函数将调用#{bean.updateTable}方法并使用(相对)客户端ID table更新组件.您只需要在JavaScript上下文中调用函数updateTable().

It generates a JS function updateTable() which will invoke the #{bean.updateTable} method and update the component with (relative) client ID table. You just have to call the function updateTable() in JavaScript context.



You can even pass request parameters if necessary, it has to be sent as JS object:

updateTable({ name1: "value1", name2: "value2 });


No need to fiddle with homebrewed ajax requests and keeping the JSF state in sync.

这篇关于自定义javascript Ajax调用后刷新JSF组件的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-28 05:52