我想打印我的POS应用程序的收据(Winform C#)我的第一个尝试是使用Crystal Report,但是当有许多客户排队时,这还不够快,甚至有些客户都会下线.所以我有想法在DOS模式下打印.我创建一个虚拟文件并将其发送到PRN.它运行良好,足够快,但是我想了一下.还有其他更好的方法吗?我的意思是不是不是先创建一个虚拟文件,而是从C#本身逐行打印?当然一定要快.
I'd like to print the receipt of my POS application (Winform C#)My first attempt is using crystal report, but it's no fast enough when there're many customers in line, even some of them will leave the line.So I have idea to print in DOS mode. I create a dummy file and send it to PRN.It's working well, fast enough but then I have a thought.. Is there any other better way to do? I mean it's not by creating a dummy file first, but print line by line from C# itself?of course it must be fast.
See my answer here: print on dot matrix printer in .net
无需创建中间文件并将其发送到PRN;只需添加 Generic/Text Only 打印机,然后打印到该驱动程序即可.为此,请在C#中打开指向"PRN"或"LPT1"的文件句柄,然后可以根据通过打开"PRN"或"LPT1"获得的文件句柄直接打印到该文件句柄.
No need to create an intermediary file and send it to PRN; just add a Generic / Text Only printer, and then print to that driver. To do that, open a file handle to "PRN" or "LPT1" in C#, then you can directly print to it based on the file handle you obtained from opening "PRN" or "LPT1"
Code here might help you: Printing to LPT1 in C#