我正在 Android 中使用 ccr4j API,所以当我运行我的项目时,它抛出了如下错误:
I am working with ccr4j API in Android so when I run my project its thrown an error like:
Error while installing application (INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT)
1. 从设备上卸载了相同的应用程序.
2. 使用擦除用户数据运行模拟器.
I find from net and same site also, did all trying like,
1. Uninstalled same application from device.
2. Run Emulator with Wipe User Data.
But still same error comes.
So anyone know why its thrown this kind of error?
这很可能与 classes.dex 的大小有关.在任何 ICS 之前的 dexopt 上,任何超过 5mb 的东西都会失败.检查您的 apk 中 classes.dex 的大小.最好看看您的方法计数是多少,因为 dex 的方法/字段限制为 65536.
This most likely has to do with the size of classes.dex. On anything pre-ICS dexopt will fail on anything over 5mb. Check the size of classes.dex in your apk. It would also be good to see what your method count is as dex has a 65536 method/field limit.
这篇关于安装应用程序时出错 (INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!