I am writing a code generator whose output depends on datatype fields description which is stored in their class instances. However, I cannot find how to run a function with a TH-generated argument.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Generator where
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
data Description = Description String [Description] deriving Show
class HasDescription a where
getDescription :: a -> Description
instance HasDescription Int where
getDescription _ = Description "Int" []
instance (HasDescription a, HasDescription b) => HasDescription (a, b) where
getDescription (_ :: (a, b)) = Description "Tuple2" [getDescription (undefined :: a), getDescription (undefined :: b)]
-- | creates instance of HasDescription for the passed datatype changing descriptions of its fields
mkHasDescription :: Name -> Q [Dec]
mkHasDescription dName = do
reify dName >>= runIO . print
TyConI (DataD cxt name tyVarBndr [NormalC cName types] derives) <- reify dName
-- Attempt to get description of data to modify it.
let mkSubDesc t = let Description desc ds = getDescription (undefined :: $(return t)) in [| Description $(lift $ desc ++ "Modified") $(lift ds) |]
let body = [| Description $(lift $ nameBase dName) $(listE $ map (mkSubDesc . snd) types) |]
getDescription' <- funD 'getDescription [clause [wildP] (normalB body) []]
return [ InstanceD [] (AppT (ConT ''HasDescription) (ConT dName)) [getDescription'] ]
When another module tries to use Generator
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Generator
data MyData = MyData Int Int
mkHasDescription ''MyData
{- the code I want to generate
instance HasDescription MyData where
getDescription _ = Description "MyData" [Description "IntModified" [], Description "IntModified" []]
there appears an error
GHC stage restriction: `t'
is used in a top-level splice or annotation,
and must be imported, not defined locally
In the first argument of `return', namely `t'
In the expression: return t
In an expression type signature: $(return t)
When asking I thought that the issue appeared just because I just did not grasp something crucial in TH and it could be resolved with moving some functions to the other modules.
If it is impossible to generate precomputed data as in example from the question, I would like to learn more about the theoretical restrictions of TH.
这确实是舞台限制的问题。 Hammar指出,问题在于调用 getDescription
This is indeed an issue with the stage restriction. The problem, as hammar pointed out, lies with the call to getDescription
let mkSubDesc t = ... getDescription (undefined :: $(return t)) ...
函数 getDescription
The function getDescription
is overloaded, and the compiler chooses the implementation based on the type of its argument.
class HasDescription a where
getDescription :: a -> Description
类型类根据类型重载。将 t
转换为类型的唯一方法是编译它。但编译它会将类型放入已编译的程序中。对 getDescription
的调用在编译时运行 ,所以它无法访问该类型。
Type classes are overloaded based on types. The only way to convert t
to a type is to compile it. But compiling it puts the type in the compiled program. The call to getDescription
runs at compile time, so it has no access to that type.
如果你真的想在模板Haskell中评估 getDescription
,你必须编写你自己的 getDescription
If you really want to evaluate getDescription
in Template Haskell, you have to write your own implementation of getDescription
that reads the Template Haskell data structure that is available at compile time.
getDescription2 :: Type -> Q Description
getDescription2 t = cases con [ ([t| Int |], "Int")
, (return (TupleT 2), "Tuple")
(con, ts) = fromApp t
fromApp (AppT t1 t2) = let (c, ts) = fromApp t1 in (c, ts ++ [t2])
fromApp t = (t, [])
cases x ((make_y, name):ys) = do y <- make_y
if x == y
then do ds <- mapM getDescription2 ts
return $ Description name ds
else cases x ys
cases x [] = error "getDescription: Unrecognized type"