

从.NET使用SQLite,是否有访问方式使用.dump 命令或东西从SQLiteConnection类?

Using SQLite from .net, Is there a way to access the .dump command or something equivalent from the SQLiteConnection class?


使用.dump 命令是SQLite的命令行程序的一部分( shell.c ),而不是SQLite库的一部分。所以,它不可能通过一达网络连接类来提供。

The .dump command is part of the sqlite command line program (shell.c), not part of the sqlite library. So, it is unlikely to be provided by a .net connection class.

然而,由于SQLite的命令行程序的源代码是在公共领域,并使用相同的库作为.NET包装,将有可能翻译为使用.dump 命令C#C代码。见的。

However, since the source code for the sqlite command line program is in the public domain, and uses the same library as the .net wrapper, it would be possible to translate the C code for the .dump command to C#. See the function do_meta_command in this file.


07-22 14:43