

Jenkins正在生成Visual Studio中制作的C ++项目的构建.

Jenkins is generating a build of a C++ project made in Visual Studio.


During the process, some .bats are called and in one of them, there is a structure like this:

rmdir %TEMPDIR% /S /Q
echo Don't continue if there was an error above (except the not found error which is ok) and go hand delete the dir!
mkdir %TEMPDIR%

我对批处理脚本不是很熟悉,但是当同时调用rmdirmkdir时,詹金斯给了我access denied.

I'm not very familiar to batch scripting, but when both rmdir and mkdir are called, Jenkins gives me access denied.


I looked in the build configurations to search for any type of read/write permissions but it seems there isn't any.


How can I fix this? Later the other scripts try to access Temp but they fail and it breaks my build.



Some of the reasons rmdir can fail:

  • 没有权限
  • 该目录包含文件.
  • 这是一个或多个进程的当前工作目录.
  • 进程已锁定.


Some the reasons mkdir can fail:

  • 没有权限
  • 该目录已存在.


The OP's script is attempting to create a directory named "Temp" in whatever the %CD% is for the process running that script. If there are other processes that also run that script, or any that avail themselves of the same %CD%\Temp path for any reason, then there can be failures for both creating or deleting that path.


It is common in build systems, for there to be multiple parallel processes and threads running a variety of programs/scripts in a variety of working directories. From the perspective of any instance of a cmd file, any path that is %CD% relative, is effectively random. All descent CI build systems provide environment variables that such programs/scripts can use to orient themselves correctly, relative to a known build root of some form, often called something like BuildRoot.


But the real issue here is how the OP's scripts are handling temp directory management. They simply aren't robust enough to be sharing a common temp directory.


I would add that a good CI build system, provides some form of per-process/thread temp directory, that programs/scripts can use without having to do any directory management.


07-18 05:20