


I have been trying to understand the use of the overloaded operator in this code, however, I cannot wrap my mind around it. I do not understand exactly the purpose of the overloaded operator or why it is needed. I know that this is a newbie question but if someone could explain it I would greatly appreciate it.

const int Card::operator+(const Card& B)
if ((faceValue ==1 || B.faceValue == 1) && (faceValue + B.faceValue)<= 11)
    return 10 + faceValue + (B.faceValue);
    return faceValue + (B.faceValue);




目的是将两个 Card 对象添加到一起。通常,只能使用 + 在C和C ++中添加整数类型,指针类型[带整数类型]和浮点类型。其他任何东西都需要一个特殊的操作符。

The "purpose" is to add two Card objects together. Typically, you can only use + to add integer types, pointer types [with an integer type] and float types in C and C++. Anything else will need a special operator.

其中的实际数学似乎是BlackJack的一部分,其中 ACE 被计为 1 10

The actual math inside it appears to be some part of BlackJack, where an ACE is counted as either 1 or 10 depending on circumstances.

编辑:我个人认为这不是很好地使用运算符+ ,因为 operator + 是将两个东西加在一起,不应用逻辑,然后根据一些游戏规则做不同的添加。这遵循没有预言的规则。应使用具有合理名称的函数,如 CalculateHand

I personally don't think this is good use of the operator+, since the expectation of operator+ is to add two things together, not apply logic and then do different additions based on some "rules of a game". This follows the rule of "no suprises". A function with a sensible name such as CalculateHand should be used instead.

编辑2:除了上述思考之外,我还补充说,一个纸牌游戏的逻辑不应该在。游戏的逻辑属于任何处理卡 - 卡应该表现完全相同,不管是什么游戏,扑克,BlackJack或接龙。

Further to the above "thinking", I would add that the logic of, say, a card-game should not be dealt with in the Card. The logic of the game belongs in whatever "handles" the cards - cards should behave exactly the same no matter what the game is, Poker, BlackJack or Solitaire.


07-16 16:44