I am selecting list of periods from database. If current row is first row then the period starts with date and I can find the interval between period start like this:
CASE WHEN row_number() OVER(ORDER BY r.created_at ASC) = 1 THEN r.created_at - r.created_at::date ELSE NULL END AS period
FROM mytable r
我如何对 last 行?以查找最后一行的r.created_at与日期的午夜之间的时间。
How can I do the same to last row? To find the time between the r.created_at of last row and midnight of its date.
我知道<$ c $ PostgreSQL中的c> first 和 last
I am aware of first
and last
functions in PostgreSQL (https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/First/last_(aggregate)), but they are aggregate functions and do not help in this case.
This question has 2 great answers. Neither of them help in my case, as this single line i presented as part of my question is part of bigger query, put together programmatically and using the solutions offered would force me to alter alot of code, which i am not willing to do at this point. Should the scaling problems hit - then i will certainly reconsider.
This might be faster than window functions:
with r as (
min(created_at) as min_created_at,
max(created_at) as max_created_at
from mytable
case when (select min_created_at from r) = created_at
then created_at - created_at::date else null
end as period_min,
case when (select max_created_at from r) = created_at
then created_at - created_at::date else null
end as period_max
from mytable