
Hey, wondering if there is a va_list equivalent in Javascript. Well,actually, I know that there is, but I don''t know if its user...applicable. va_list in C/++ anyhow is a way of being able to pass inany number of arguments at the end of a function, I''ll show an example: 展开 | 选择 | Wrap | 行号推荐答案 Volte写道:嘿,想知道是否有等效的va_list在Javascript中。嗯,实际上,我知道有,但我不知道它的用户是否适用。适用。无论如何,C / ++中的va_list是一种能够在函数末尾传入任意数量的参数的方法,我将举例说明: Hey, wondering if there is a va_list equivalent in Javascript. Well, actually, I know that there is, but I don''t know if its user... applicable. va_list in C/++ anyhow is a way of being able to pass in any number of arguments at the end of a function, I''ll show an example: 展开 | 选择 | Wrap | 行号这就是我想要的!谢谢:)Awesome thats what I was looking for! Thanks :) Volte在08 mei 2006上写了comp.lang.javascript :Volte wrote on 08 mei 2006 in comp.lang.javascript:真棒,这就是我在寻找的东西!谢谢:)) Awesome thats what I was looking for! Thanks :) 你在找什么? - Evertjan。 荷兰。 (请在我的电子邮件地址中将x'变为点数)What were you looking for?--Evertjan.The Netherlands.(Please change the x''es to dots in my emailaddress) 这篇关于va_list等价物的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
05-27 00:10