我正在从Web服务获取包含此子字符串gratuit.AFLĂMAI MULTEDe
I am getting this string which contains this substring gratuit.AFLĂ MAI MULTEDe
from webservice. when i save this in data base in my local(windows) works fine but when i try to save on server when it is deployed on linux i get following error:
Incorrect string value: '\xC4\x82 MAI...' for column 'description' at row 1
我正在将hibernate 3.3与mysql 5.5(Windows和linux)以及数据库使用默认编码(latin1)一起使用.
I am using hibernate 3.3 with mysql 5.5 (both windows and linux) and database usage default encoding (latin1).
我尝试在JAVA_OPT中设置 -Dfile.encoding = UTF8
I have tried setting -Dfile.encoding=UTF8
in JAVA_OPT but not worked, i think its this is os related problem.
(In general nowadays I would do all in UTF-8.) There is a long pipeline of points where encoding can be set. From the web service you get probably XML in UTF-8. That is automatically read correctly, as XML handles the encoding strict.
On database level there is the database and table and field with a default and explicit encoding. Furthermore the connection url should be parametrised to the correct encoding.
错误消息显示该重音 A 的UTF-8字节,我想它在Latin1中不可用.对于MySQL,连接字符串可能类似于:
The error message shows the UTF-8 bytes for that accented A and I guess it is not available in Latin1.For MySQL the connection string could look like: