

为什么ADO(Jet.OLEDB.4.0)在导入csv / txt文件时...从列值中删除前导字符"S"?

why does ADO (Jet.OLEDB.4.0) when importing a csv/txt file ... remove the leading character 'S' from the column values?

if我在单个列中的所有值都以S开头,其余的字符是数字字符,例如S12345,S5677 ...导入删除了前导'S'字符,因此导入12345,5677,

if all my values in a single column start with S and the remaining characters are numeric characters e.g. S12345, S5677 ... the import removes the leading 'S' character, so imports 12345, 5677,

但如果列中的单个值不以''开头S',例如1235S ...然后列中的所有值都被导入OK(前导S未被删除)

BUT if a single value in the column does not start with 'S', e.g. 1235S ... then all values in the column are imported OK (the leading S is not removed)

这使我相信一个主角'S'必须具有特殊含义。 ..例如'import as string'...这样S1245将被导入为字符串值1245(而不是数字?)

This leads me to believe that a leading character 'S' must have a special meaning ... such as 'import as string' ... so that S1245 will be import as the string value 1245 (rather than as a number?)


But I cannot find any documentation to confirm this (having searched the net extensively)





If there is a way to specify a data type for each column and if you are not specifying the data type explicitly then it seems to be guessing at the type of data. If it guesses wrong then you need to specify the type explicitly.


08-23 00:53