I have an access database which deals with "articles" and "items" which are all textual stuff. An article is composed of several items. Each item has a rich text field and I wish to display the textual content of an article by concatenating all rich text fields of its items.
我编写了一个VBA程序串联项目富文本字段并将其馈送到表单上的独立TextBox控件中(Textbox.Text =结果字符串),但是它不起作用,我收到一条错误消息,提示此属性参数过长。
I have written a VBA program which concatenates the items rich text fields and feeds this into an independent TextBox control on my form (Textbox.Text = resulting string) but it does not work, I get an error message saying "this property parameter is too long".If I try to feed a single textual field into the Textbox control, I get another error stating "Impossible to update the recordset" which I do not understand, what recordset is this about ?
每个项目字段通常是这样的(我使用方括号而不是<和>,因为否则该帖子的显示不正确)[div] [font ...]内容[/ font] [/ div],还包括 [em]标签。
Each item field is typically something like this (I use square brackets instead of "<" and ">" because otherwise the display of the post is not right) [div][font ...]Content[/font] [/div]", with "[em]" tags also included.
In front of my problem, I have a number of questions :
1) How do you feed an HTML string into an independent Textbox control ?
2)连接这些HTML字符串,还是应该修改标签,例如,只有一个 [div]块而不是连续几个(禁止中间div标签)?
2) Is it OK to concatenate these HTML strings or should I modify tags, for example have only one "[div]" block instead of several in a row (suppress intermediate div tags) ?
3 )我应该使用什么控件来显示结果?
3) What control should I use to display the result ?
You might well answer that I might as well use a subform displaying the different items of which an article is made up. Yes, but it is impossible to have a variable height for each item, and the reading of the whole article is very cumbersome
Thank you for any advice you may provide
It works for me with a simple function:
Public Function ConcatHtml()
Dim RS As Recordset
Dim S As String
Set RS = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tRichtext")
Do While Not RS.EOF
' Visually separate the records, it works with and without this line
If S <> "" Then S = S & "<br>"
S = S & RS!rText & vbCrLf
ConcatHtml = S
End Function
和带有控件源 = ConcatHtml()
and an unbound textbox with control source =ConcatHtml()
In your case you'd have to add the article foreign key as parameter to limit the item records you concatenate.