我正在尝试使用 requests
I am trying to do the following with requests
data = {'hello', 'goodbye'}
json_data = json.dumps(data)
headers = {
'Access-Key': self.api_key,
'Access-Signature': signature,
'Access-Nonce': nonce,
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'text/plain'
r = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json_data,
files={'file': open('/Users/david/Desktop/a.png', 'rb')})
However, I get the following error:
ValueError: Data must not be a string.
请注意,如果我删除 files
参数,它会根据需要工作.如果包含 files
,为什么 requests
不允许我发送数据的 json 编码字符串?
Note that if I remove the files
parameter, it works as needed. Why won't requests
allow me to send a json-encoded string for data if files
is included?
请注意,如果我将 data
更改为普通的 Python 字典(而不是 json 编码的字符串),则上述方法有效.所以问题似乎是,如果文件不是 json 编码的,那么数据就不能是 json 编码的.但是,我需要对我的数据进行编码以匹配 API 创建的哈希签名.
Note that if I change data
to be just the normal python dictionary (and not a json-encoded string), the above works. So it seems that the issue is that if files is not json-encoded, then data cannot be json-encoded. However, I need to have my data encoded to match a hash signature that's being created by the API.
当您将正文指定为 JSON 字符串时,您不能再附加文件,因为文件上传需要 MIME 类型 multipart/form-data.
When you specify your body to a JSON string, you can no longer attach a file since file uploading requires the MIME type
将您的 JSON 字符串封装为表单数据的一部分(类似于
json => json.dumps(data)
)以 Base64 编码您的文件并将其传输到 JSON 请求正文中.这看起来工作量很大.