


I have several folders with some files that I would like to rename from

Foo'Bar - Title


我正在使用OS X 10.7.我看过其他解决方案,但是都没有很好地解决递归问题.

I'm using OS X 10.7. I've looked at other solutions, but none that address recursion very well.




ls -1 * | while read f ; do mv "$f" "`echo $f | sed 's/^.* - //'`" ; done


I recommend you to add a echo before mv before running it to make sure the commands look ok. And as abarnert noted in the comments this command will only work for one directory at a time.


ls -1 *将为当前目录(. -files除外)中的每个文件(和目录)输出一行.因此,它将扩展为ls -1 file1 file2 ...-1ls告诉它仅列出文件名,每行列出一个文件.

ls -1 * will output a line for each file (and directory) in the current directory (except .-files). So this will be expanded in to ls -1 file1 file2 ..., -1 to ls tells it to list the filename only and one file per line.

然后将输出传递到while read f ; ... ; done中,该循环将在read f返回零的同时循环,直到返回文件末尾为止. read f一次从标准输入(在本例中为ls -1 ...的输出)中读取一行,并将其存储在指定的变量中,在本例中为f.

The output is then piped into while read f ; ... ; done which will loop while read f returns zero, which it does until it reaches end of file. read f reads one line at a time from standard input (which in this case is the output from ls -1 ...) and store it in the the variable specified, in this case f.


In the while loop we run a mv command with two arguments, first "$f" as the source file (note the quotes to handle filenames with spaces etc) and second the destination filename which uses sed and ` (backticks) to do what is called command substitution that will call the command inside the backticks and be replaced it with the output from standard output.

echo $f | sed 's/^.* - //'将当前文件$f用管道输送到sed中,该文件将与正则表达式匹配并进行替换(s/中的s),并将结果输出到标准输出中.正则表达式为^.* -,它将从字符串^的开头(称为锚定)开始,然后匹配任何字符.*,后跟-,然后将其替换为空字符串(//之间的字符串)

echo $f | sed 's/^.* - //' pipes the current file $f into sed that will match a regular expression and do substitution (the s in s/) and output the result on standard output. The regular expression is ^.* - which will match from the start of the string ^ (called anchoring) and then any characters .* followed by - and replace it with the empty string (the string between //).


08-14 19:11