



I'm trying to send an array of images (saved locally on the javascript side on an assets folder) to the native side (both iOS and Android). There the native side process the images and returns a new image. This works because I've tried sending the image URL (using internet based images instead of local images) and the native code runs perfectly.


The problem is that downloading each image is such a slow process, and I would send like 10 or 15 images. I think the best way to handle this is sending absolute paths of the images within the device.


  • 发送图像的URL(Works但这不是我想要的,想法是将图像保存在资产文件夹而不是逐个下载


  • 也许我可以获得每个图像的base64字符串数组,但这似乎是一项缓慢的任务;在原生方面,我必须将每个base64字符串转换为数据,然后转换为图像。

  • Maybe I can get an array of base64 strings of every image, but seems like a slow task to do; in the native side I will have to convert every base64 string into data and then into images.


It will be ideal to send the absolute uri path of each asset, but I couldn't find a way to get it (only could get like './assets/myImage.png')

根据React Native文档()本机端支持JSON标准格式(如字符串,数字,布尔值,数组和此列表中任何类型的对象,和反应回应/承诺)

According to React Native documentation (https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/native-modules-ios.html) the native side supports the JSON standard formats (such as string, number, boolean, arrays and objects of any type of this list, and react callback/promises)



When you require a local image file on the JS side you're not actually getting its data. Instead, RN creates a map of IDs to images; if you try to log it you can see that it's actually just a number.


Although numbers can be serialized over the bridge this is not enough, to be able to access the image on the native side you first need to resolve the required image to an object that you can later convert on native. On the JS side it would look something like this:

const myImage = require('./my-image.png');
const resolveAssetSource = require('react-native/Libraries/Image/resolveAssetSource');
const resolvedImage = resolveAssetSource(myImage);

您现在可以将 resolvedImage 传递给您本机API,这将是一个字典对象(地图)与图像信息(大小,uri等)。在原生方面,您现在可以转换图像:

You can now pass the resolvedImage to your native API, this will be a dictionary object (a map) with the image info (size, uri, etc.). On the native side you can now convert the image:

UIImage *image = [RCTConvert UIImage:imageObj];

在Android上它以类似的方式工作,但据我所知,没有直接的转换方法,所以你需要从图像映射对象中提取 uri 并从那里加载它。

On Android it works in a similar way, but as far as I know there are no direct conversion methods, so you'll need to extract the uri from the image map object and load it from there.


07-23 12:33