要从 memcache 获取密钥(使用 pylibmc),您可以这样做:
To get a key from memcache (using pylibmc), you do this:
client.set(key, {'object': 'dictionary'}, time=expire)
The same in redis is this:
redis.setex(key, expire, {'object': 'dictionary'})
eval(redis.get(key) or 'None')
最后一行在我看来不太合适.redis 似乎只返回字符串.是否有 get redis 以与放入的相同形式返回对象?
That last line doesn't look right to me. redis only seems to return strings. Is there a get redis to return the object in the same form that it was put in?
不同的是,虽然 memcached 和 redis 都只支持字符串值,但 pylibmc
使用 ,redis-py
The difference is that while both memcached and redis only support string values, pylibmc
serializes the values you send it using pickle
, redis-py
just converts them to string.
If you want to do the same with redis, you can have your own functions to do the pickling for you.
def set_value(redis, key, value):
redis.set(key, pickle.dumps(value))
def get_value(redis, key):
pickled_value = redis.get(key)
if pickled_value is None:
return None
return pickle.loads(pickled_value)