

PHPWord is a library written in PHP that create word documents. 

No Windows operating system is needed for usage because the result are docx files (Office Open XML) that can be opened by all major office software.

PHPWord is based on the fantastic PHPExcel / PHPPowerPoint libraries.

Major Features

Insert and format document sections

Insert and format Text elements

Insert Text breaks

Insert Page breaks

Insert and format Images and binary OLE-Objects

Insert and format watermarks (new)

Insert Header / Footer

Insert and format Tables

Insert native Titles and Table-of-contents

Insert and format List elements

Insert and format hyperlinks

Very simple template system (new)





With PHPWord, you can create OOXML, ODF, or RTF documents dynamically using your PHP 5.3.3+ scripts. Below are some of the things that you can do with PHPWord library:

Set document properties, e.g. title, subject, and creator.

Create document sections with different settings, e.g. portrait/landscape, page size, and page numbering

Create header and footer for each sections

Set default font type, font size, and paragraph style

Use UTF-8 and East Asia fonts/characters

Define custom font styles (e.g. bold, italic, color) and paragraph styles (e.g. centered, multicolumns, spacing) either as named style or inline in text

Insert paragraphs, either as a simple text or complex one (a text run) that contains other elements

Insert titles (headers) and table of contents

Insert text breaks and page breaks

Insert and format images, either local, remote, or as page watermarks

Insert binary OLE Objects such as Excel or Visio

Insert and format table with customized properties for each rows (e.g. repeat as header row) and cells (e.g. background color, rowspan, colspan)

Insert list items as bulleted, numbered, or multilevel

Insert hyperlinks

Insert footnotes and endnotes

Insert drawing shapes (arc, curve, line, polyline, rect, oval)

Insert charts (pie, doughnut, bar, line, area, scatter, radar)

Insert form fields (textinput, checkbox, and dropdown)

Create document from templates

Use XSL 1.0 style sheets to transform headers, main document part, and footers of an OOXML template

... and many more features on progress


03-14 16:21