

. 这是一个点儿,表示换行符之外的任意一个字符(Any character except newline (Equivalent: [^\n]))

[^abc] 指定的字符(abc)之外的任意一个字符,可以把abc换成其它字符组。(All characters except the ones specified)

[^a-z] 任意一个非小写字母的字符(All characters except those in the region specified)

[abc] 指定的字符集中的任意一个,即abc中的任意一个(One of the characters)

[a-z] 指定的字符范围中的任意一个,即任意一个小写字母。One of the characters in the region

\a 响呤(Bell (ASCII 7))

\c Any character allowed in XML names

\cA-\cZ Control+A to Control+Z, ASCII 1 to ASCII 26

\d 任意一个数字,等同于[0-9](Any number (Equivalent: [0-9]))

\D 任意一个非数字。Any non-number

\e ESC键(Escape (ASCII 27))

\f Form Feed, (ASCII 12)

\n 换行Line break

\r 回车Carriage return

\s 任意一个空白键(空白键如tab,换行)Any whitespace (space, tab, new line)

\S 任意一个非空白字符(Any non-whitespace)

\t tab键

\w 字母,数字和下划线(Letter, number or underline)

\W \w的补集(Non-letter, number, or underline)


* 出现零次、1次、多次(Any (no occurrence, once, many times))

? 出现零次、1次(No occurrence or one occurrence)

{n,} 出现至少n次(At least n occurrences)

{n,m} 出现至少n次,最多m次(At least n occurrences, maximum m occurrences)

{n} 出现n次(Exactly n occurrences)

+ 出现1次、多次(One or many occurrences)



$ 字符串结束(End of text)

^ 字符串开始(Start of text)

\b Word boundary

\B No word boundary

\G After last match (no overlaps)


03-14 15:23