

1.环境 2台配置完全一致的PIII 933*2 + 512M + U160 SCSI 磁盘,qmail-1.03-7。另外系统做了优化,调整了fs.file-max=65535并放开一般限制,将/var目录单独分开。


hleil表示,我做的smtp 测试只测试了smtpd的性能而已,队列并没受到真正考验,因为smtp的速度才是bottleneck。

2.简单结果: 用系统帐号,smtp-sink 配置成发1000封信,10个并发,耗费了56秒。换成100并发,测试失败,加大了qmail的并发数后完成顺利,结果也大概是26封/秒。


[root@ns2 postal-0.61]# ./do.sh time,messages,data(K),errors,connections,SSL connections 14:52,2029,2767,0,2078,0 14:53,2056,2684,0,2056,0 14:54,2061,2785,0,2062,0 14:55,2022,2686,0,2021,0 14:56,1998,2684,0,1998,0 14:57,2006,2666,0,2007,0 14:58,1971,2644,0,1971,0 14:59,1971,2584,0,1970,0 15:00,1942,2596,0,1943,0 15:01,1984,2655,0,1984,0 15:02,1957,2567,0,1957,0

很明显速度提升1倍左右,但部分测试出现could not creat qq(队列)的问题,看不出具体的原因。估计是qmail没足够资源去创建队列,或者速度太快队列出了问题?

然后再将/etc/passwd的信息转换成cdb提高查询速度: qmail-pw2u < /etc/passwd > /var/qmail/users/assign qmail-newu 然后再测试,结果如下:

[root@ns2 postal-0.61]# ./do.sh time,messages,data(K),errors,connections,SSL connections 16:42,2118,2858,0,2167,0 16:43,2095,2788,0,2096,0 16:44,2114,2790,0,2114,0 16:45,2245,3002,0,2244,0 16:46,2233,2971,0,2233,0 16:47,2165,2891,0,2166,0 16:48,1977,2637,0,1976,0 16:49,1999,2645,0,2000,0


hleil对上述测试结果认为:这个测试是测试smtp的注入,并没办法真正考验队列,如上所发现的那样,队列应该没有受到特别的考验,即便是fail to create queue也可能是其他原因。必须是mx-mx真实环境下才有意义,而且一个smtp过程比现在的复杂。









参考资料:一个专门做测试的网站ServerwatchPostfix vs qmail

Posted by hzqbbc at 08:22 AM | Comments (1)

January 18, 2003D. J. Bernstein 和Wietse Venema有关qmail的争论两人高手过招,一个mta所需要做的工作不多,也不至于什么都干吧??限制smtp log大小是log的事.我觉得。当然,反过来看,mta如果能自己限制,也不错。类似qmail的配套工具一样。

以下是wietse的邮件,关于djb的写的slander回应. http://groups.google.com/groups?q=artificial+limit+postfix+log+group:mailing.postfix.users&hl=zh-CN&lr=&ie=UTF-8&inlang=zh-CN&selm=9t130n%2412ha%241%40FreeBSD.csie.NCTU.edu.tw&rnum=1

DJB对venema的说法 http://cr.yp.to/qmail/venema.html

另外一个maillist上的邮件,包含了一个简单的patch http://lists.q-linux.com/pipermail/plug-misc/2001-November/000963.html

Posted by hzqbbc at 07:18 PM | Comments (0)

在足够好的硬件条件下Postfix比qmail更快的原因分析经过实际的测试我也发现Postfix比qmail快(在较平等的条件下比较)。究其原因,主要是因为磁盘I/O 的差异,Postfix的磁盘I/O原则上比qmail少耗用资源,仅1/3左右,所以速度原则上应该快3倍。


以下是postfix作者的原话,就偶自己的小知识,对硬盘写操作越多性能越低。it's true.. ===================================================================寄件者:Wietse Venema ([email protected]) 主旨:Re: performance tuning

View this article only 新闻群组:mailing.postfix.users 日期:2001-02-15 17:34:07 PST

jet: > I'm trying to dump e-mails into postfix via smtp, but can only achieve > speeds of about 15-20 mails/second (locally). > > I've tried spawning multiple outgoing-mail scripts, and tweaked with them, > but always end up in the 15-20 mail/second range.

This is pretty much single disk Postfix performance. Most other mailers are much, much, worse than this.

The bottle neck is your disk.

When I first tested Postfix against qmail, Postfix was 3x faster on local and LAN benchmarks because Postfix uses one queue file where qmail uses three. The create/delete operations are much, much, more time consuming than reading and writing the content.

In order to make Postfix fast you need to avoid queue file create/delete operations. Multiple recipients per queue file are a big win. With one recipient per queue file Postfix is starved because the disk is too slow.

Postfix does mostly random writes, and it actually has to wait until a file is safe on disk. It's not allowed to wait until dirty blocks are synced automatically.

In order to process more mails per unit time, you need faster disks. Well, that is not possible.

You can, however, spread the load over multiple spindles. Don't use RAID5 because it still has single-disk performance for applications that produce random writes like Postfix does.

Another possibility is to use non-volatile RAM of the type that used to be sold for SUN file servers. It speeds up disk access of random writes by an order of magnitude, because writes can be sorted for speed without loss of reliability. Next to solid-state disks it is the best thing you can do.



>My test machine is a: > AMD Athlon Thunderbird 800 mHz > 128 megs memory

not enough memory for sending 50K msgs/hour. You'll need 512 or more to get 400+ SMTP processes into memory.

You will also have to increase maxfiles and maxfilesperprocess with sysctl.

I have a client with a listar announcement list machine hitting 40 msgs/hour on a P500 + 512 megs RAM and just one IDE disk. I think 50 is reachable, but 40 is more than enough for him.

> UDMA66 IDE drive

Better to have two IDE master drives on two separate IDE channels, one for system + logging and the other for mailq, and maybe even a third for mailbox storage, but that means master/slave disk on IDE which is slower.

Of course, IDE is slower than SCSI, and SCSI cards with 64 or 128 megs on-board buffer would help the disk channel congestion, which Wietse says is the limit to an MTA.

好象wietse说不要用raid5哦。。因为也是random write,这样的效能低。确实也是。因为如果是连续的有规律的写,速度会块得多的。。

03-14 03:48