- 效果
源码如下 (相当之简陋 勉强能用)
#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding:utf-8 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- require 'fileutils' # 壁纸更换间隔 DURA = 30 * 60 IMGS = 2 # 图片脚本调用方式 INDEX 顺序; RANDOM 随机 FETCH = 'INDEX' VALS = { :INDEX_FETCH => 0, :COUNT_FETCH => 0 } # 图片临时存放路径 IMG = '/tmp/bgwall/' FSC = './fetch_script/' PSC = './post_script/' CBG = "#{IMG}/bgwall_current.png" NBG = "#{IMG}/bgwall_next.png" def call_bg_script(script, img_dir, count) return nil if script.nil? file = `#{script[0]} #{img_dir}/#{script[1]}_#{count} #{count}`.chomp puts ">>> bg [#{file}] fetch by #{script[1]}" return file end def call_post_script(img_path) Dir::open(PSC).filter{|f| f.start_with? /\d+/ and File.executable? PSC + f }.sort.map{|v| [PSC + v, v] }.each_with_index do |script,index| nName = "#{IMG}#{index}_#{File.basename(img_path)}" FileUtils.copy_file img_path, nName system("#{script[0]} #{img_path} #{nName}") img_path = nName end return img_path end def get_background_image(fetch_type) VALS[:COUNT_FETCH] += 1 fsca = Dir::open(FSC).filter{|f| f.start_with? /\d+/ and File.executable? FSC + f }.sort.map{|v| [FSC + v, v] } return nil if fsca.empty? call_bg_script case fetch_type when 'RANDOM' fsca[ rand fsca.size ] when 'INDEX' VALS[:INDEX_FETCH] += 1 fsca[ VALS[:INDEX_FETCH] % fsca.size ] else fsca[ rand fsca.size ] end, IMG, VALS[:COUNT_FETCH] end def set_background_image(img_path) # 根据不同的环境 使用不同的 工具 #system("hsetroot -fill #{img_path}") puts ">>> set background #{img_path} [#{Time.now}]\n\n" system("feh --bg-scale #{img_path}") end `[[ -d #{IMG} ]] || mkdir #{IMG}; echo $(date) > #{PSC}/start && echo $(date) > #{FSC}/start; sleep 2` # 每分钟刷新一次桌面背景 主要更新图片处理进本的操作,比如刷新显示时间 Thread::new do loop do if Time.now.sec == 00 next if not File.exist? CBG if File.exist? NBG set_background_image NBG else set_background_image CBG end post_bg = call_post_script CBG FileUtils.copy_file post_bg, NBG end sleep 1 end end # 间隔时间后 拉取新壁纸 loop do sleep 7 if Time.now.sec == 00 file = get_background_image FETCH FileUtils.copy_file file, CBG if not file.nil? next if not File.exist? CBG sleep DURA end
#!/usr/bin/env zsh # $1 源图片路径 # $2 存放路径 _dz=("子" "丑" "寅" "卯" "辰" "巳" "午" "未" "申" "酉" "戌" "亥") now=$(date "+%H") dz=$_dz[$[ ($now + 1) / 2 % 12 + 1]]" 時" now=$now":"$[ $(date "+%M") + 1] convert $1 -font Noteworthy-Bold.ttf -gravity SouthEast -pointsize 200 -fill white -annotate +100+100 "$now" $2 convert $2 -font /usr/share/fonts/wps-office/FZLSK.TTF -gravity SouthEast -pointsize 200 -fill white -annotate +100+500 "$dz" $2
#!/usr/bin/env zsh # $1 存放路径 # $2 当前脚本的调用次数 base_page="https://wallhere.com/zh/wallpapers?q=狗&page=$2&pageSize=1&format=json" data_id=$(curl $base_page | jq .data | sed -e 's/\\r\\n//g' -e 's/\\//g' | grep -Po '(?<=data-id=")(\d+?)(?=")' | head -n1) img_url="https://wallhere.com/zh/wallpaper/$data_id" img_src=$(curl $img_url | grep current-page-photo | grep -Po '(?<=href\=")(.*?)(?=")') wget $img_src -O $1.jpg echo $1.jpg
#!/usr/bin/env zsh # $1 存放路径 # $2 当前脚本的调用次数 echo "/home/user/Pictures/background.png"