map = Basemap(resolution ='c')
map.drawmeridians(np.arange(0, 360, 30))
map.drawparallels(np.arange(-90, 90, 30))
for index in range(0,len(lat_list)):
x, y = map(long_list[index],lat_list[index])
map.plot(x, y, 'bo', markersize=5)
看看this tutorial。我建议您完整阅读它;成为一名熟练的程序员的一部分是阅读其他人的代码并了解他们的所作所为。但是,如果您只对答案感兴趣,请向下滚动直到看到副标题“添加颜色”,或单击页面顶部的链接。希望这可以帮助!
由于涉及到为您的值着色,因此我针对您的问题做了一些解决,我找到了here。我修改了答案中的rgb函数,以返回十六进制颜色(HTML格式)。然后,您将需要根据映射到这些颜色的值进行create your own color bar。您还需要使用诸如gridspec之类的东西来适当调整图形的大小。
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plot
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
def rgb(mini,maxi,value):
mini, maxi, value = float(mini), float(maxi), float(value)
ratio = 2 * (value - mini) / (maxi-mini)
b = int(max(0,255*(1-ratio)))
r = int(max(0,255*(ratio -1)))
g = 255 - b - r
b = hex(b)
r = hex(r)
g = hex(g)
if len(b) == 3:
b = b[0:2] + '0' + b[-1]
if len(r) == 3:
r = r[0:2] + '0' + r[-1]
if len(g) == 3:
g = g[0:2] + '0' + g[-1]
color = '#'+r[2:]+g[2:]+b[2:]
return color
#gridspec will ensure that we get good size ratios when we display the figure
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1,2, width_ratios = [20,1], height_ratios = [10,1])
#generate the default map
fig = plot.figure(figsize=(17,10))
ax1 = plot.subplot(gs[:, :-1])
map1 = Basemap(ax=ax1)
#code to add more things to the map
#coloring values
correspondance = {}
minimum = min(list_of_values)
maximum = max(list_of_values)
for lon,lat,val in zip(list_of_longitude, list_of_latitude,list_of_values):
#get the color for this value and add it on to the end of our list
color = rgb(minimum,maximum,value)
#make a dictionary that has each value corresponding to its color
#will be used later to make the color bar
correspondance[val] = color
map1.plot(lon,lat, marker = 'o', color = color)
ax2 = plot.subplot(gs[:-1, 1])
#making a color bar requires the values to be in an ordered list
#as well as the colors to be in an ordered list corresponding to the values
bounds = sorted(set(list_of_values)) #get a list of unique sorted values
colors = [correspondance[value] for value in bounds] #a list of colors corresponding to its value in bounds
cmap = mpl.colorbar.Colorbase(colors, 'indexed')
#bounds needs to of size length of colors + 1
bounds += [max(bounds) + .001]
norm = mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N)
cb = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(ax2, cmap = cmap, norm = norm, \
boundaries = [float(min(list_of_values)-.1)] + bounds + [float(max(list_of_values)+.1)],\
ticks = bounds, spacing = 'proportional', orientation = 'vertical' )
关于python - basemap 图中的色标,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: