我想在R的程序包中嵌入一些熟练的优化方法。请参见下面的最小示例。我需要将x(和b)的值传递给该函数。默认情况下,它们以Rcpp:NumericVector的形式出现,很容易转换为std::vector或 double 数组,例如

std::vector<double> inx_std(inx.begin(),inx.end());
double* inx_d = inx_std.data();

但是,我在将此传递到avector时遇到了麻烦。 avector a = inx_d不起作用。我创建了一个for循环,并且一切正常,但是必须有更好的方法来执行此操作。

#include <Rcpp.h>
#include "adept_source.h"
#include <adept_arrays.h>

using namespace Rcpp;
using namespace adept;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector run(NumericVector inx, NumericVector inb) {
  int inxsize=inx.size();       // dim of gradient
  NumericVector out(inxsize);   // output vector

  //adept main

  Stack stack;                    // Object to store differential statements
  aVector x(inxsize);             // Independent variables: active vector with inxsize elements
  aVector b(inxsize);             // Independent variables: active vector with inxsize elements
  for(int i=0; i<inxsize; i++) {  // Fill vector

  stack.new_recording();          // Clear any existing differential statements

  //function to be differentiated
  aReal J = sum(log(x)/log(b));   // Compute dependent variable: L3-norm in this case

  //adept main
  J.set_gradient(1.0);             // Seed the dependent variable
  stack.reverse();                 // Reverse-mode differentiation

  //return gradient from adept to R
  for(int i=0; i<inxsize; i++) {

  return out;



#include <Rcpp.h>
#include <adept_source.h>
#include <adept_arrays.h>

using namespace Rcpp;
using namespace adept;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector run(NumericVector inx, NumericVector inb, double gamma) {
  int inxsize=inx.size();       // dim of gradient
  NumericVector out(inxsize);   // output vector

  //convert inputs to adept arrays
  adept::Vector inxV(inx.begin(), dimensions(inxsize) );
  adept::Vector b(inb.begin(), dimensions(inxsize) );

  //adept main
  Stack stack;                    // Object to store differential statements
  adept::aVector x = inxV;

  stack.new_recording();          // Clear any existing differential statements

  //function to be differentiated
  aReal J = gamma*sum(log(x)/log(b));   // Compute dependent variable

  //adept main
  J.set_gradient(1.0);             // Seed the dependent variable
  stack.reverse();                 // Reverse-mode differentiation

  //return gradient from adept to R
  for(int i=0; i<inxsize; i++) {

  return out;

/*** R


adept::Vector inxV(inx.begin(), dimensions(inxsize) )

(2)然后可以将感兴趣的 vector (我们要为其计算偏导数)转化为“ Activity ” vector :
adept::aVector x = inxV;

关于c++ - 从std::vector到adept::avector,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51574212/

10-13 05:55